Our café prepares a broad selection of Russian appetizers, entrées, and side dishes you can enjoy at our street-side tables or at home. We invite you to enjoy our bakery’s deliciously sweet cakes and breads made every day specifically for you. Enjoy a gourmet breakfast croissant, exclusive dessert or a cup of tea in the comfortable atmosphere. Our bakers have created a whole universe of exquisite pastry!
It seems from the moment you begin to take your love of astronomy seriously, the thing that is on your mind is what kind of telescope will you get. And there is no question, investing in a good telescope can really enhance your enjoyment of your new passion in astronomy.
Andrew Mrue
Our café prepares a broad selection of Russian appetizers, entrées, and side dishes you can enjoy at our street-side tables or at home. We invite you to enjoy our bakery’s deliciously sweet cakes and breads made every day specifically for you. Enjoy a gourmet breakfast croissant, exclusive dessert or a cup of tea in the comfortable atmosphere. Our bakers have created a whole universe of exquisite pastry!
we offer couples and families
Our café prepares a broad selection of Russian appetizers, entrées, and side dishes you can enjoy at our street-side tables or at home. We invite you to enjoy our bakery’s deliciously sweet cakes and breads made every day specifically for you. Enjoy a gourmet breakfast croissant,
Slices Style Bread
Our café prepares a broad selection of Russian appetizers, entrées, and side dishes you can enjoy at our street-side tables or at home. We invite you to enjoy our bakery’s deliciously sweet cakes and breads made every day specifically for you. Enjoy a gourmet breakfast croissant,

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